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Outdoor lockers operated with the Paketit app near you

The new outdoor parcel lockers can be used to both send and pick up parcels around the clock using Matkahuolto’s Paketit app. The Paketit app is easy to use and provides convenient guidance from start to finish. Download the Paketit app from your app store.

The parcel lockers are located in residential areas, near residential buildings or in the immediate vicinity of courtyards, to make it easier to manage your parcel deliveries close to home.

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How to pick up a parcel from an app-based outdoor locker:

  1. Download Matkahuolto’s Paketit app.

  2. Go to the indicated locker, open the Paketit app and enable Bluetooth connection.

  3. Press “Open box”. The Paketit app asks you to accept the use of Bluetooth and sharing your exact location, select “Allow”.

  4. The app opens the box door and shows the message “Box opened”.

  5. Remember to close the box door properly.

If you are unable to pick up your parcel using the Paketit app, please contact our customer service. We will redirect your parcel to another pickup point. Parcel Services Support: +358 20 33 6161 (Mon–Fri 8:00–17:00). Call charges are based on your local/mobile network rate.

How to send a parcel from an app-based outdoor locker:

  1. Download Matkahuolto’s Paketit app.

  2. Buy a parcel from the app.

  3. After purchase, select “Send from” -> Find the nearest parcel point.

  4. Reserve the right size box for your parcel. The box reservation is valid for 12 hours. If you want to select a lower box for your deliveries, go to My account in the app and choose Locker accessibility.

  5. Write the activation code (you can find it in the app), the recipient’s name and phone number and the sender’s name on the parcel.

  6. Go to the locker of your choice, open the Paketit app and enable Bluetooth connection.

  7. In the app, select My packages -> Sent -> “Open box” for the delivery in question.

  8. Leave the parcel in the box and close its door securely.

Find a solution in the frequently asked questions

A text message will be sent to the mobile phone number or email address provided by the sender. If you have Matkahuolto’s Parcels app, you will also receive the message via the app. If you have not received an arrival notification, there may be a typing error in your details. If so, always contact the sender who can correct the error. If the parcel has already been returned, it is advisable to agree on further action with the sender.

It is likely that the shipping details do not include your mobile phone number and/or email address, which would help us determine that the parcel belongs to you. Make sure that you have entered both your mobile phone number and your email address in the mobile app. If you have provided both pieces of information and the parcel still does not appear, you may want to contact the sender of the parcel, who can add the missing information to the shipment!

Need help? We will be happy to help you at our Chat Customer Service in the Matkahuolto Paketit app (Mon-Fri 8-20, Sat 10-16) or at the Parcel Services helpline on 0600 11300 (Mon-Fri 8-18, Sat 9-17). Call price €1.98/min per answered call + local charge. For queuing, you only pay the local/mobile charge.

As a recipient, you can change the parcel point either before or after delivery. It is not possible to change the parcel point in transit.

When the parcel details appear in the Matkahuolto Paketit app, but before the parcel has been accepted for delivery by Matkahuolto, you can change the parcel point once free of charge. Please note that the final parcel point may still be different from your selection if the chosen parcel point is full. 

Once you receive the arrival notification, the app offers you a transfer option for a fee. A transfer will generate a new consignment ID, which we will use to transport the parcel to the point of your choice. A transfer to another point can be purchased for parcels processed by manned parcel points, and in the metropolitan area, for parcels in a parcel locker, in which case we will transfer the parcel in cooperation with Wolt.

Need help? We will be happy to help you at our Chat Customer Service in the Matkahuolto Paketit app (Mon-Fri 8-20, Sat 10-16) or at the Parcel Services helpline on 0600 11300 (Mon-Fri 8-18, Sat 9-17). Call price €1.98/min per answered call + local charge. For queuing, you only pay the local/mobile charge.

Matkahuolto has two different models of parcel lockers. If you have received a pick-up code, enter the code on the locker screen and the locker will open the door to the correct box for you.

If your parcel has gone to an app-enabled locker, you will need the Matkahuolto Paketit app, which you can download from your app store! When picking up a parcel from an app-enabled locker, open the Omat Paketit (My Parcels) menu and activate your phone’s Bluetooth connection. Allow the app to use Bluetooth and your precise location data. You can check this in your phone settings. Go close to the lockers and make sure that no other customer is using the locker at the same time. Find out more about app-enabled outdoor parcel lockers.

Need help? We will be happy to help you at the Parcel Services helpline on 0600 11300 (Mon-Fri 8-18, Sat 9-17). Call price €1.98/min per answered call + local charge. For queuing, you only pay the local/mobile charge.

Please check that you have downloaded the Matkahuolto Paketit app. Turn on Bluetooth and allow the app to use Bluetooth and allow precise sharing of location data. Go near the locker and make sure there are no other customers around.

Need help? We will be happy to help you at our Chat Customer Service in the Matkahuolto Paketit app (Mon-Fri 8-20, Sat 10-16) or at the Parcel Services helpline on 0600 11300 (Mon-Fri 8-18, Sat 9-17). Call price €1.98/min per answered call + local charge. For queuing, you only pay the local/mobile charge.

Lähetystiedoista puuttuu todennäköisesti matkapuhelinnumero ja/tai sähköpostiosoite, joiden avulla tunnistamme, että kyseessä on juuri sinun pakettisi.

Varmista mobiilisovelluksen omista tiedoista, että olet antanut sekä matkapuhelinnumerosi että sähköpostiosoitteesi. Mikäli olet antanut molemmat tiedot eikä paketin tietoja vieläkään näy, kannattaa olla yhteydessä paketin lähettäjään, joka voi lisätä puuttuvat tiedot lähetykselle!

Sulje Matkahuollon Paketit sovellus ja tarkista puhelimesi omat asetukset. Olethan sallinut Matkahuollon sovelluksen käyttää puhelimesi Bluetoothia ja tarkkaa sijaintitiedon jakamista? Salli tiedot ja avaa sovellus uudelleen.

Tarvitsetko apua? Autamme mielellämme Chat-asiakaspalvelussa Matkahuolto Paketit -sovelluksessa (ma-pe 8–20, la 10–16) tai pakettipalveluiden puhelintuessa p. 020 33 6161 (ma-pe 8–16). Puhelun hinta on pvm/mpm.

Voi ei, kuljetuksen aikana on sattunut virhe ja pakettisi on toimitettu mahdollisesti toiseen lokeroon. Otathan viipymättä yhteyttä asiakaspalveluumme, niin lähdemme selvittämään tilannetta!

Tarvitsetko apua? Autamme mielellämme Chat-asiakaspalvelussa Matkahuolto Paketit -sovelluksessa (ma-pe 8–20, la 10–16) tai pakettipalveluiden puhelintuessa p. 020 33 6161 (ma-pe 8–16). Puhelun hinta on pvm/mpm.

Mikäli pakettiautomaatti ei toimi, otathan viipymättä yhteyttä asiakaspalveluumme. Tarkistamme automaatin toimivuuden, sekä kutsumme tarvittaessa huoltohenkilökuntaa korjaamaan automaatin.

Tarvitsetko apua? Autamme mielellämme Chat-asiakaspalvelussa Matkahuolto Paketit -sovelluksessa (ma-pe 8–20, la 10–16) tai pakettipalveluiden puhelintuessa p. 020 33 6161 (ma-pe 8–16). Puhelun hinta on pvm/mpm.

Saat avattua luukun Matkahuollon Paketit-sovelluksella, kun olet maksanut lähetyksen ennakkoon tai olet tekemässä asiakaspalautusta. Varaa lokero etukäteen lähetyksesi tiedoista sekä varmista, että Bluetooth ja sijaintitiedot on päällä. Sinun täytyy myös sallia sovellukselle lupa käyttää Bluetooth yhteyttä sekä tarkkaa sijaintitietoa. Voit tarkistaa sen puhelimesi omista asetuksista.

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