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Vainion Liikenne commuter tickets Turku-Salo-Helsinki

Tickets are available for purchase and use in the Trips and Tickets mobile app.

Turku - Helsinki ticket sales have ended on August 18, 2024. The sale of other tickets ends on August 31, 2024.

The valid ticket product can be used up on J. Vainio Liikente and Koivisto auto Länsi Oy shifts.

Travel area

The commuter tickets can be used to travel between Turku, Salo and Helsinki in the route for which the ticket has been purchased.

Validity of the ticket in Salo

  • Salo–Turku: Central Salo (extending to Pahkavuori in the east and Kirjolankatu crossroads on Perniöntie in the south), Piihovi and Halikko.

  • Salo (zone 2)–Turku: Rest of Salo town.

  • Salo–Helsinki: Express stops in Salo town (from Vaskiontie junction to Lahnajärvi, and Piihovi).

Validity of the ticket in Turku

  • On Vainion Liikenne buses the ticket is valid as far as the harbour.

  • The ticket is not valid on local transport Föli buses.

Validity of the ticket in Helsinki

  • The ticket is valid as far as the harbours and on Helsinki Airport feeder service,

  • It's not valid on Helsinki Region Transport HSL buses.

Period of validity

The season tickets are valid for 30 days from the date chosen as the start date of the validity period.

The serial tickets are valid for 30 or 90 days from the date chosen as the start date of the validity period.


The ticket can be used to travel on services operated by J. Vainion Liikenne Oy. 

From 19.8.2024, the ticket can also be used on the services of Koiviston Auto Länsi Oy.


The season tickets are personal and cannot be used to pay for several passengers.

The serial tickets can be used to pay for several passengers at the same time.


Price until € 15.1.2024 - 31.8.2024

30-day season ticket

30 trips in 30 days seria ticket30 trips in 60 days serial ticket
Salo (zone 2)–Turku342,00264,00-


RoutePrice 10.2.2022-8.8.2023 (€)Changes to ticket from 29.11.2022-8.8.2023 (€)Price 9.8.2023-14.1.2024 (€)
 30-day season ticket30 trips in 30 days serial ticket30 trips in 90 days serial ticket30-day season ticket 30 trips in 30 days serial ticet30 trips in 60 days serial ticket
Salo (zone 2)–Turku310,00239,00-323,00249,00-



There are no extra charges for travelling, such as a nightly fee or a stroller fee.

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