Järvenpää tickets
Tickets are available for purchase in the Trips and Tickets mobile app.
Järvenpää - Tuusula ticket sales end on December 31, 2024.
Travel area
With Järvenpää season tickets, you can travel in the Järvenpää Urban Area.
With Järvenpää-Tuusula ticket you can travel also between Järvenpää and Tuusula.
Starting 1.1.2025, for journeys within Järvenpää city region and for journeys between Järvenpää and Tuusula on line 665A.
Period of validity
The season ticket is valid for 30 days from the date chosen as the start date of the validity period.
The tickets can be used to travel in services operating in the Järvenpää Urban Area and Järvenpää-Tuusula routes.
The ticket is personal and cannot be used to pay for several passengers.
Ticket product | Price (€) | Eligibility |
Järvenpää monthly ticket | 35,00 | For journeys within Järvepää city region Starting 1.1.2025, for journeys within Järvenpää city region and for journeys between Järvenpää and Tuusula on line 665A. |
Järvenpää monthly ticket with Tuusula connection - Sold up to 31.12.2024 | 45,00 | For journeys within Järvenpää city region and for journeys between Järvenpää and Tuusula. |
The user may be charged other separate charges, such as a nightly fee or a stroller fee.

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