Bus pass
The BusPass allows you to travel throughout Finland for 7 or 14 days on most bus operators' services.
Where is the BusPass valid
As a rule, the BusPass is valid on all services on which Matkahuolto’s ticket products are accepted. Check the validity of your ticket in the service icons on the Matkahuolto Timetable Search. If the BusPass is not valid, the icon will say "Not valid for Matkahuolto season and series tickets".
A 7-day BusPass costs € 169 and a 14-day BusPass costs € 269.
Where to buy
The BusPass may be purchased from Trips and Tickets app.
BusPass validity
The BusPass is valid for 7 or 14 days.
The BussPass is not eligible for refund.
Right of travel
One BusPass can be used by one person at a time.