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14 December The forthcoming strike will not affect parcel deliveries, but there may be irregularities in bus and coach services for passengers 


Several trade unions have announced a politically motivated strike for Thursday 14 December 2023.  

Parcels can be sent normally and the strike will have no effect on parcel deliveries.   

Passenger services may be affected by the strike because some of the bus and coach departures may cancelled. 

Timetable information is available on Matkahuolto’s website and in the Trips and Tickets app. 

The timetable search and online ticketing on Matkahuolto’s website and the Trips and Tickets app will provide up-to-date information even during the strike. The website and the app will show the departures that will be running in spite of the strike. However, you should check the departure time on the website and in the app as close to the time of departure as possible, because changes may be made by operators at short notice.  

The timetable information in the Trips and Tickets app and in the Waltti and HSL services displayed in the Routes and Tickets application and the Journey Planner is obtained directly from the operators who are responsible for deleting any cancelled departures from the systems. 

Refunds for tickets unused because of the strike 

If services are suspended due to the work stoppage, we will automatically refund tickets purchased for those departures on Matkahuolto’s website and in the app.  

For season and series tickets purchased from Matkahuolto, you may apply for a refund on a case-by-case basis using the form available on our website. The form will be posted on the website.  

The refunds will be paid as soon as possible, within a month at the latest. 

The following operators will be affected by the strike: Antti Kangas Oy, Hyvinkään Liikenne Oy, J. Vainion Liikenne Oy, Jalon Liikenne Oy, Jyrkilä Oy, Koiviston Auto, Korsisaari Oy, Kutilan Liikenne Oy, Lehtimäen Liikenne Oy, Linjaliikenne Nyholm Oy, LS-Liikennelinjat Oy, Länsilinjat Oy, Nobina, Nurmijärven Linja Oy, Oy, Oubus Oy, Oy Pohjolan Liikenne Ab, Pekolan Liikenne Oy, Pohjolan Turistiauto Oy, Porin Linjat Oy, Revon Turistiliikenne Oy, Satakunnan Liikenne Oy, Savo-Karjalan Linja Oy, Savonlinja Oy, Soisalon Liikenne Oy, Turkubus Oy, Turun Citybus Oy, Valkeakosken Liikenne Oy, Vekka Group, V-S Bussipalvelut Oy, Väinö Paunu Oy 


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